The Plan

One adventurous Portuguese student, one legendary 2 Cheveaux, 27 or 28 days on the road: those are the ingredients of an Adventure that will bring us from Porto till Palermo and back.
The map indicates a large part of the route we propose to travel. Our journey will start on the 30th of July, heading to San Sebastian (Spain), via Bilbao.
On the second day of travel we expect to reach Biarritz (France), from where we will head to Monte Carlo, via Carcassone, Saint-Tropez, Cannes and Nice.
Italy shall be reached on the 2nd of August, with the first stop schedule to Vintemiglia, followed by San Remo. On the following day, our first question mark: if ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association) Cagliary are so kind to attend our last minute request to participate in the ELSA Italy Training Days, this amazing city will be our next destination (travel made by Ferry Boat, taken from Genova).
On the 7th we should be back to Genova, heading back to France, Combloux to be more precise. In this quiet and amazingly beautiful town right in front of the Mont Blanche the Challett of Isabelle (a companion from many others great adventures) will host and provide us with the first couple of days of pure rest. Ça roule ma Poulet?
After the Alps, the plan is to return to Italy and head south. First towards Milan, where we hope to be able to meet (hopefully for the second time) il piu rossonero de tutti il rossoneri: Andrea. Then Florence, Pisa and Rome. Sim Netinho, lá estarei em Fiumicino á tua espera no dia 15.Next stop: Consenza, “dove il pazzo del terroni Giancarlo me aspeta, non é vero?” From Calabria we’ll move to Sicily, heading to our furthest destination: Palermo. Sorbello: ci vediamo à Palermo, Bastardo. Mi prepara il véro expresso chi sono farto di aqua di puppo!!!! But before Palermo, visits to Messina, Taormina, Etna, Acireale, Catania and Syracuse should come take place. We should now be around our 23rd day of travelling, time in which a third adventurer might be joining us. Não é, Qim? Next stop, Salerno. Carla, questa volta io manjo un gelato grande come il mio viagio!!! Then Naples, where I trully hope to meet all the amazing people who we had the pleasure of hosting in our home town, Porto, back in 2003. Ragazzi, questa volta viaja solo Tiago. Il dictatore Portuguese é morto. Finally, back to Rome, heading to our final destination in Italy, Civitavechia, not before visiting the Vatican. Here we will catch the ferry till Barcelona.
Back in Spain, there is the strong possibility that we will meet some close Portuguese friends of mine in the capital of Catalunya. Then, only Porto ahead of us.
Our arrival is schedule for the 27th or the 28th of August. Huufffff….. Will I be returning by car?! What do you think? How far will we make it? Feel free to post your bet.
P.S. 1 - We apologize for the considerable use of other languages rather then English in this first post, specially for the many mistakes I should have done in those languages I can barely speak. From now on, the use of any other language but English will be highly exceptional.
P.S. 2 - Anyone nearby? It will be a pleasure to meet you. And of course: a home cooked meal and a cousy bed are always more then welcome. lol
Just to keep in touch with this "great adventure", we, the portuguese friends left behind, can always visit the "Parque Nascente" mall where a small exhibition of exquisite 2cv is taking place. Good luck for this adventure! Kssss
Olà Herano!
Madre mia, que viaje! Espero que nos vemos en Milano. El Chalet de Isa seria possible tmb pa mi! Animo x los "2 cavallos"!!! dustygianni
é isso tiagao...a maior forca pa essa "infindavel" viagem mas q acredito q tera um final feliz...regressa inteiro mas com um gd historia pa contar aos friends" d portugal!!!abracao Marco Goncalves
Grande viagem! Espero que regresses de 2CV :)
Este verão tb vou de viagem c/ Thomas no meu Fiat UNO...e tb espero regressar no dito carro!
Boa aventura e beiijinhos
Boa tarde, Tiaguinho!
Dormiste bem com o teu cavalo?
De manhã fui à praia com os teus pais.Têm-me feito muita, e boa, companhia.Encontrámos as profs Gilda e Cristina que te enviam bjs.
Mts bjs e x corações de todos cá de casa.
Ciao Tiago!!!!
wow what a journey!!! cool festival here in ferrara the last week in august come along,if you fell like! sorry no place to sleep at home (the baby's still too young...) but nice meals are well offered! ciao ciao
hey tiago!!!
best of luck to you and to your lovely 2cv!! You should really get on a ferry in syracuse or catania and spend a couple of days in have a home here, you know! also, when will you be in barcelona? I will be there between the 15th and the 23rd august...cuidate hermano!james
Como podes imaginar não tem sido fácil aceder ao teu magnifico blog (4 marcas são bem diferentes de uma!!!). Mas, eu como teu representante legal em terras lusitanas, tenho sempre desculpa.
Espero que esteja tudo a correr lindamente e que tenhas ganho muitos joguinhos de tenis ao teu companheiro:).
Volto a pedir: Juizinho e quando estiveres cansado... PÁRA!!!!!
PS) O 2cv já aprendeu a fazer a dobrinha da cama?
Tiago, então quando páras para ler e responder aos "comments" ?
Como vês aprendi bem a lição que me deste de internet...
Tem muito cuidado, filho. Os cavalos também se cansam.
Mts bjs.
Puto: espero q ao som do GRANDE MARCO estejas espalhar charme por essas estradas fora.
Tal como o grande Netinho, desejo-te muita sorte para essas grandes partidas de ténis. Melhor ainda só com os patins em linha.
Juízo com essa bomba q levas nas mãos. 2 cavalos e um burro são muito difíceis de controlar...
Abraço forte
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