Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ciao Italy. Ci vediamo presto


Indeed Mom, our adventure is slowly coming to its end. The 3cv and I are already in Barcelona, where we arrived yesterday after a long one day cruise across the Mediterranean Sea.

Leaving Italy was, as always, not a pleasant experience. That is something about this country that makes it almost impossible not to fall in love with it. The people, the places, the food, the sea, the spirit, the chaos and above all, “my people”. For those who know me well, it is not a surprise that every time I travel to some place I return with the feeling that I would like to leave there at least for a while (I believe that’s the only way you can truly know a place). But regarding Italy, it is not just a matter of curiosity, is something much stronger. Strength I would just like to be given the opportunity to explore.

We left Palermo on the 22nd in the Morning, heading directly to Salerno, where we arrived by nightfall, after a long journey back on the road. The 2cv choking problem is getting more recurrent, but the only consequence so far is a decrease on our average speed, now around 70km per hour. Anyway, as always, he is the with decision making power on the velocity department. But despite its “cold” and the over 6000 km made since our departure, our hero still found the strength to help up a Sicilian family stuck on the highway after running out of fuel. Now confess: if you would see a 2cv and a Golf stopped on the highway, who would you think was helping who?

Salerno was, as it always is, a city of intense and mixed feelings. The pleasant relaxing evening contrasts with the cocktail of contradictory emotions this city always generates on me. Sometimes it just comes as my most perfect metaphor of Italy.

Next day, time to the hard farewell. We headed north to our final destination in the country, Civitavecchia, unfortunately with no time left to some other stops we would have liked to have made. But as I’ve mentioned to a friend, I have to leave some places left to justify my next travel in the country, right? Upon arrival, a long and promisingly boring journey on the see. The beginning did not add anything to improve our expectations. After parking the 2cv and finding my seat, I saw my room invaded by a group of elder citizens that immediately made what the Italians so eloquently call a “Casino”. It just took me to go five minutes in the bathroom a group of old ladies have “camped” in my seat. There was not even point on trying to explain anything. Just took my things and moved somewhere else. Than the noise, and, worse of all, the smell… God!!! Lucky, I meat two Italians around my age who had just found out the solution that would save our journey: to settle on the cinema room.

Finally in Barcelona, 20 hours afterwards, I thought I would be finally granted with a relaxing day while waiting for the arrival of my friend Pedro, who is joining me for the last days of my adventure. But by now we should no better than trusting in our plans. After leaving the boat I’ve driven the two Italians to their hostel. It was a pleasant long ride around Barcelona’s city centre to arrive just 500 meters from the pier. Than we added to our hostel, an amazing Students’ Residence up the hill with outstanding facilities and incredible prices. After using the free internet service, I was calmly climbing to the swimmingpool located on the top of the building, when I saw a group of spanish playing soccer on the artificial grass pitch part of this complex. Well, this I did not even had the courage to tell anyone I had brought it with me, but indeed I had my full soccer goalkeeper equiment in the 2cv. And it became handy. After the nice soccer game and the late bath at the swimmingpool, still two hours and a half till Pedro’s arrival at the airport. Just the suficient time to rush into Camp Nou and watch Barcelona and Juventus playing the Joan Gamper Trophy on a completely full stadium. What an experience, even for those who do not appreciate soccer in particular. Even better was to buy the ticket on the blackmarket for 5 euros less. This way, I had a “perrito caliente” and a beer included on the original price.

Well, I believe I’ve molested you all more than enough for today. Anyway, time to hit the town and start this huge adventure’s grand finalle!!!



At August 25, 2005 10:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Acabei agora mesmo de ler o teu correio.Aproveita bem esses últimos dias . Barcelona é 1 cidade bonita e com mt para ver...
Passámos 1 dia bastante agradável com as tias e companhia . Aquilo é q foi falar! Quase q era preciso levantar o dedo para intervir.Estás a imaginar a cena.
A tua cachorrinha fartou-se de ter colinho.
Diverte-te e trata bem os teus amigos cavalinhos para chegarem a casa de boa saúde.

Mts beijinhos de todos.

At August 26, 2005 7:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agora é q está mesmo a chegar ao fim a tua aventura.
Estou ansiosa por te ver entrar em casa, triunfante, na companhia dos teus cavalinhos... Ainda tentei contratar a célebre fanfarra da Lavandeira ,mas estavam ocupados!!! Nós fazemos a festa .
Beijinhos e boa viagem . Vem com calma.


At August 29, 2005 10:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

De volta ao trabalho sentado na minha secretária, continuo a assistir à tua épica jornada..

Q lata!!! Levas o equipamento e não tens coragem de me dizer? Q hei-de pensar de ti? E o Netinho não merece essa traição da t parte!! Não consigo compreender como tens coragem de afirmar q levas a raquete de ténis e falta-t coragem para o equipamento de grande Zé Beto!

Escondes-me assim um grande motivo de chacota para estas 4 semanas inesquecíveis. Estou muito desiludido... As piadas em St Tropez eram perfeitas s estivessem acompanhadas de uma bela camisola de guarda redes.. E o zé Cid, os rateres....

Deixando-me de merdas, desejo-te tudo de bom para ti e para os 2 grandes heróis desta aventura



At August 29, 2005 6:36 pm, Blogger andre said...

tiago!!! és o maior... equipamento de guarda redes ás escondidas... tou aqui a morrer a rir e com saudades dessas tuas pequenas coisas :)
rapaz... digo-o de novo .. avisa quando chegares curtia mesmo estar contigo ...
e contigo ruca ;)
Beijinhos para os pais do tiago e para o Luis que vai ser pai (ou fui eu que percebi mal? ).. PARABENS ...
André Fidalgo

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